Law reform competition is a long - drawn, complex, and innovative way of legal learning. For a large plural society like India, law making is a complex exercise if it has to reflect the will of the people. In this exercise, people can play a role independent of government. The public is not sufficiently informed of the dynamics of law making and the requirements of legislative drafting in order to make it effective and socially acceptable.Therefore, law reform competition is uniquely suited for law schools where legal and research talents are available in plenty. If it is organised in competitive terms and professionally institutionalised, it can, not only help law reform at State and Central levels, but will also enable law students to learn law in its functional settings. Further, the Law Commission will find it useful in their work.
The organizers of the competition will be happy to collaborate and partner with law schools in organising the future editions of the Law Reform Competition towards institutionalising it in legal education in the country.